✨Send a holiday eCard to spread joy to CHOC patients! ✨

Choose from our wintery selection of images and messages to help every child at CHOC have a magical holiday season.
Submit your eCard by December 22, 2023, and it will be shared with our patients in the Hospital! They’ll be overjoyed that you’re thinking about them, and it’s a sweet way to show them how much you care.
Help write a child’s healthy life story
Research, innovation and treatment are critical parts of how CHOC cares for children. All children—regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Through the grace of philanthropy, kids are able to access the health care they need to thrive and grow to be healthy and happy adults.

A baby’s heart is tiny—typically strawberry-sized. But before Baby Damian was born, doctors discovered his heart was “out of place”—a one-in-5.5 million occurrence, with a 10% survival rate.
At CHOC, Long Live Childhood is our mantra. It is our rallying cry. We live it. We breathe it. We practice it. Every day. In every way. That’s why we’ve assembled a mighty brigade of nationally-recognized pediatric experts, premier facilities and generous donors dedicated to giving kids the best chance of growing into healthy and happy adults.
Are donations tax-deductible?
All monetary donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please email foundation@choc.org.
Where should I mail donation checks?
Please mail all check donations to:
CHOC Foundation
1201 W. La Veta Avenue
Orange, CA 92868
Who should I make my check out to?
Please make all checks payable to the CHOC Foundation.
Can I mail in a cash donation?
We do not recommend using mail to send cash donations. Instead, you may drop off the cash at the CHOC Foundation along with your information. You can also deposit the cash into your checking account and send a personal check from your account.
What is CHOC Foundation’s tax ID number?
The CHOC Foundation tax ID number is 95-6097416.
How can I get a receipt for my donation?
If you donated online, you should receive an e-receipt to your email at the time of your donation. If you donated by mail or in person, a receipt will be mailed to your address. If you have not received a receipt, please call the Foundation office at (714) 509-8690.
Where is the CHOC Foundation located?
The CHOC Foundation’s physical address is
1120 West La Veta Ave
Orange, CA 92868
Our mailing address is
1201 West La Veta Ave
Orange, CA 92868
Where is CHOC’s donor privacy policy?
CHOC’s full privacy policy and Donor Bill of Rights can be found here.
Where are the fundraising guidelines if I wanted to host a fundraiser for CHOC?
All CHOC Foundation Community Fundraiser guidelines can be found here.
Can I donate to CHOC through my donor-advised fund?
Yes, however, there may be some restrictions. Donor-advised funds are acceptable for straight donations, but there are restrictions on ticket sales, auction items, and sponsorships as they may provide goods or services. Please contact your donor-advised fund manager if you have any questions.
How can I check if my employer will match my donation?
You can check whether your company matches gifts here.
Office Address:
1120 West La Veta Ave
Suite 500
Orange, CA 92868
Mailing Address:
1201 West La Veta Ave
Orange, CA 92868